Letter From the Editor

December 3, 2018

Hello readers!

This will be my last issue as editor of the Journal.

Please support the incoming editor Sonja Erickson, Lead Auditor, University of Missouri System, by providing information, ideas and feedback. The intent of the Journal is to bring you, the reader, useful content that will facilitate your actions as college and university auditors. The best way to ensure your needs are being met, is through feedback provided to ACUA staff, specifically in this case to the Journal editor.

I trust that you all have now crawled out of the deep freeze that impacted most of the United States during the first week of January. Born and raised in Montana, and now living in Georgia, I can truly say that I have no desire to commute through below zero temperatures on any given day!, let alone having to do it every day of the week! You have my sincere wish for warmer weeks ahead.

Best of luck in all you do.

Thank you,
Ron Richards

About the Author

Ron Richards

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