Letter from the Editor

June 1, 2017

Hello readers!

I hope you enjoyed the content in the Winter 2017 issue.

I am excited about this issue and believe it to be even better with lots of good content. I want to thank all the authors for their time given to prepare the content. Additionally, I want to thank those ACUA members who have dedicated their time to review and edit this issue.

Within this issue, you will find part two of the Auditing Compliance article started in the winter issue. There is an article on Enterprise Risk Management that is a bit larger than most, but really is a good read and one that we did not want to break up between two issues.

We also have articles introducing, or re-introducing benefits  of  ACUA  membership. These include an article on the community offering, “Connect ACUA” and another on the ACUA Faculty.

Our friend from down under has authored an article on auditing academic processes, which was also the topic of a recent ACUA webcast. Additionally, the president of Audimation Services provided an article on the perks and pitfalls of training and last there is a great article that we are re-printing about difficult conversations.

There is even a bit of fun with a Word Find puzzle.

I will repeat and enhance my two requests from previous issues.
  • Please consider submitting an article for a future issue of the Journal. We all like reading about what others are up to, and would be most interested in reading your article. The Journal has a good group of copy editors who can bring out the best in your idea.
    • If you have read an article, blog or column elsewhere that you think would be of interest to Journal readers, please forward that information and we will consider it for a future edition.
  • Second, I would like to include a section publishing reader’s comments or brief letters regarding articles published in the previous edition of the Journal. Your thoughts and contributions would be greatly appreciated and are the only thing that can make this happen. These can be directed to Ron Richards at rrichard@westga.edu.
I, like you, am looking forward to what future issues bring. 

About the Author

Ron Richards

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