How Ethics Combats Fraud
The one unpredictable element in the battle against fraud is the human behavior driven by different sets of values. In this webinar, we will discuss the importance of Ethics in the fight against fraud and some aspects of a fraudster’s character that organizations and managers could include in their fraud risk assessment as potential red flags.
We will discuss:
• The definition of ethics.
• What is an ethical culture?
• What is an ethical ID?
• Why do people commit fraud?
• What we should be on the lookout for during fraud risk assessments.
Speaker: Imad Mouchayleh, Senior Internal Auditor, Madison College
Attendees should be able to do the following upon conclusion of the webinar:
1. Evaluate the ethical environment in which they operate.
2. Identify specific behaviors that are indicators of fraud red flags.
3. Create fraud risk assessments.
Field of Study: Ethics
Program Level: Overview
Location: Virtual
Type of Delivery Method: Group-internet-based
Prerequisite: Understanding of audit and risk management
Advanced Preparation: None
CPE Credit: 1 Credit Hour
Cost: None