ACUA Webinar - Lab Safety Internal Auditing: Protecting students, researchers, and the community

August 17, 2023 12:00 PM CT
Speaker: Tara Atkins, Marc Rubin, and Elizabeth Walton

In this session, we will provide an overview of lab safety internal auditing, and considerations that may be applied at your university. Case Western Reserve University’s Senior Director of Safety Services will share his experiences in lab safety auditing from a management perspective and share key takeaways from participating in an internal audit. Our Deloitte internal audit team will discuss the risks related to lab safety and explore methods to manage the risks appropriately. At the end of the session, participants should have a deeper understanding and new perspective of auditing lab safety.
After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:
  1. Discuss the risks related to lab safety from an operational, compliance, financial and reputational standpoint.
  2. Identify current regulations and potential future regulation changes related to laboratory safety.
  3. Assess a sample of requirements and responsibilities for stakeholders involved in laboratory activities.  
  4. Explore strategies Internal Audit departments can deploy to audit lab safety and support their environmental, health and safety (EHS) departments. 
Job titles of those for whom this presentation is targeted/appropriate:
  • Chief Audit Executives
  • Higher Education Internal Auditors
  • University Compliance Personnel 
  • University Risk Management Personnel 
  • Researchers and research administrators 

Please note: Starting now, non-members must pay a $25 registration fee for all ACUA webinars. New users must create an ACUA account before registering, without any obligation to become an ACUA member.
If you have any questions on the new registration process, please contact us at

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