Auditing for Title IX Compliance
Title: Auditing for Title IX Compliance
Presenter: ACUA
Date: December 7, 2016
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Eastern
Title IX continues to be a hot topic on college campuses. Legislators at both the Federal and State levels continue to provide guidance on Title IX and enact new laws specific to the policies and procedures that they expect to be implemented on college campuses in order to ensure the safety of our students. This course will explore the key Federal regulations and interpretive guidance regarding Title IX requirements and provide a reasonable approach to audit whether your college or university has adequate policies and procedures in place to promote and monitor compliance with these regulations.
Speaker: Nancy Nasca, Manager, Rochester Institute of Technology
Learning Objectives:
Attendees should be able to do the following upon conclusion of the webinar:
- Describe the key requirements of Title IX regulations.
- Apply available tools and resources to facilitate the planning and performance of a Title IX compliance audit.
- Employ a framework to assess the adequacy of the university’s Title IX policies and procedures.
Knowledge Level: Overview
Location: Virtual
Field of Study: Auditing
Advance Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group-internet-based
Number of Webinar Credits: 1 Credit