Assessing the Strength of Your Institution’s Academic Integrity Program in a Remote ‎Learning Enviro

Title: Assessing the Strength of Your Institution’s Academic Integrity Program in a Remote ‎Learning Environment
Date: Wednesday, May 26, 2021 
Time: 1:00 - 2:00 pm Eastern
Presenter: ACUA & Baker Tilly
Speakers: Adrienne Larmett, Chris Garrity

As remote and distance learning persists for many higher education institutions around the country, so too do ‎issues around academic integrity. Faculty and administrators have struggled to address a rise in academic ‎dishonesty (cheating), along with numerous other issues that operating in an almost entirely virtual environment ‎have presented. Internal Audit can be a key ally in developing and executing frameworks to assess their ‎institution’s internal controls to manage academic integrity.

After attending this webinar, participants will be able to:

1.    Identify evolving academic integrity risks that have presented themselves in a remote educational ‎environment.

2. Identify controls that may be used to prevent or detect academic integrity issues in a remote environment.

3.  Discuss possible audit approaches to assess the effectiveness of their institution’s control environment.

Field of Study: Auditing
Location: Virtual
Type of Delivery Method: Group-internet-based
Prerequisite:  None
Advanced Preparation: None
CPE Credit: 1.0 Credits
Cost: None

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