ACUA Committee Updates

May 14, 2024

Join ACUA in making a positive impact! We are looking for dedicated individuals to volunteer and contribute their skills to the organization. Whether you have experience in community outreach, research and analytics, or digital marketing, your passion and commitment is needed. If you’re interested in becoming an ACUA volunteer, please review the current volunteer openings and complete the ACUA Call for Volunteers survey.

Communications Committee

  • The Connect ACUA forum has many communities that focus on small shops, data analytics, AutoAudit users, Workday ERP, athletics, and more. Click on the “communities” tab and join a group for tailored questions and answers.

Diversity and Inclusive Leadership Committee

  • The committee recently sent a survey to ACUA members regarding DEI and kindly request that you complete the survey.

Membership/Mentorship Program

  • The ACUA mentorship program is seeking new mentors and mentees to share university auditing career guidance and support. This program is open to all members of any size audit shop. To inquire about the program or get matched with a mentor/mentee please contact program director Earl Jackson at

Professional Education Committee

  • The 2024 ACUA AuditCon Conference will be held in-person September 15-19, 2024, at the Westin Peachtree in Atlanta, GA.
  • The 2025 ACUA AuditCon will be in Louisville, KY on September 14-19, 2025

Standards & Best Practice Committee


Auditing & Accounting Principles Subcommittee

  • The IIA released the new Global Internal Audit Standards on January 9, 2024. While they do not take into effect until January 9, 2025, the IIA is encouraging early adoption.
  • The first IIA Topical Requirement on Cybersecurity has been released in draft format and is open to public comments until July 3, 2024. Read the draft and provide your comments.

Kick Starter Subcommittee

  • Three new kick starters have recently dropped:
    • Travel Expense Review by Toni Stephens, The University of Texas at Dallas, in December 2023
    • Banner User Access by Annette Alboreo, Kent State University, in January 2024
    • Student Free Speech and Expression Events by John Winn, University of South Carolina, in March 2024

Virtual Learning Subcommittee

  • Upcoming webinars:
Fort Hill will discuss Subcontractor Bidding Process: Contract Controls and Auditing on June 20, 2024.

About the Author

C&U Journal Staff

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