Poll: Who Is Using AI?
Publication Date: December 4, 2023
With the explosion of free artificial intelligence software at our fingertips, are we ready to embrace the future and utilize AI in our audit engagements?
At the 2023 AuditCon, there were numerous presentations about AI capabilities and how they will affect our world. From the dangers of undetectable plagiarism to the ease of summarizing income tax rules, the applications are far and wide.
Attendees went to the Whova app to consult with their peers on the use of ChatGPT and other AI software in their audit work. One poll showed nearly half of the voters were starting to dabble in AI.

Many auditors said they are already experimenting with the technology for work or personal reasons. Those already working with AI use it to create email communications, identifying common findings, and creating custom photos for reports and presentations. Many have found ChatGPT useful during the planning phase of an audit to generate risks and audit step procedures as part of the brainstorming process. Members said they are “using it cautiously” and are testing search results before relying on the data.
Presenters encouraged universities to establish AI policies for students and researchers alike. Another Whova poll said half of the auditors surveyed have already discussed AI with senior leadership.

Granted, the number of poll respondents was limited, but we at the C&U Journal think these percentages will change soon and that most audit shops will adopt this new technology to enhance their engagements. Are you benefiting from using ChatGPT in your shop? Please share your examples of AI success with us at editor@acua.org for a future story.
About the Author
C&U Journal Staff
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