ACUA is very grateful for its members and the commitment they bring to the organization. Their dedication and participation are vital in helping ACUA achieve its goals and continuing to make a positive impact.
Click on the links below to find out more about each committee and how to contact the chair(s).
If you are interested in volunteering with ACUA, please contact the Chair of Chairs, Katie Bumgardner, CIA at kebumgardner@alaska.edu.
The mission of the Advocacy Committee is to provide the Association of College and University Auditors (ACUA) leadership and the members with services that develop and foster mutually beneficial relationships with other professional organizations that enhance relationships with current and potential ACUA members.
Chair: Julia Hann, CPA, CIA, CRMA
University of North Florida
The purpose of the Audit Committee is to evaluate internal controls of ACUA’s administrative and financial processes and ensure that ACUA’s financial statements are audited by an independent public accounting firm or subject to internal audits developed in consultation with the secretary/treasurer. This consultation shall not override the authority of the audit committee to conduct any review of the Association’s finances or operations at the committee’s discretion.
Chair: Trevor L. Williams
Florida International University
The mission of the Chair of Chairs is to foster open dialogue and collaboration between ACUA Committee Chairs, ensuring committee longevity, knowledge development, growth, and transfer. The Chair of Chairs acts as a communication facilitator, not an oversight layer between Committee Chairs and their Board Liaisons. Board Members, ACUA Sub-Committee Directors, and Bostom will attend only when a specific topic requires their input.
Chair: Katie Bumgardner, CIA
University of Alaska
The mission of the Communications Committee is to promote the mission of ACUA to its members. The committee keeps members apprised of current initiatives and demonstrates the value of being part of ACUA through the College and University Auditor journal, Connect ACUA forum and social media channels. We work closely with members, ACUA committees and strategic partners to deliver timely and relevant information.
- Subcommittee ACUA Journal: The Journal Editor is responsible for compiling, editing, and submitting for publication the College and University Auditor Journal. The Journal Editor, Deputy Editor, and Copy Editors review and contribute articles for publication in the College and University Auditor Journal. The Journal features industry specific news and emerging topics written by members and strategic partners plus ACUA news.
- Subcommittee Connect ACUA: The Connect ACUA Director promotes positive interactions and knowledge sharing in the ACUA communities and across members.
- Subcommittee Social Media: The Social Media Director and team helps oversee the strategic direction for ACUA branding, promotes member, Board and strategic partner initiatives and creates content to boost organizational presence on various channels including LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
- Subcommittee Web Services: The Web Services Director will coordinate obtaining content from the management company and ACUA committees for the ACUA website. In addition, the Web Services Director and team help ensure the ACUA website has content that is up to date and review user interaction through analytics.
Chair: Joanna Rojas
Duke University
The purpose of this committee will be to ensure ACUA is welcoming to everyone, foster positive change in our community, and advance diversity and inclusion across the association.
Chair: Anta Coulibaly
University of Oregon
The mission of the Investment and Finance Committee is to provide the Association of College and University Auditors (ACUA) leadership and members with financial analysis, advice, and oversight of the organizations budget and financial statements.
Chair: Eulonda N. Whitmore, CIA, CRMA, CFE, CCA
Wayne State University
The Governance Task Force is dedicated to establishing a standardized governance practices for ACUA. Our mission is to develop comprehensive templates and manuals that ensure clarity, consistency, and efficiency in the management of committee operations and policy development. Through the creation of a committee charter template, meeting minutes template, policy template, new policy catalog/tracker, and a committee manual template, we aim to foster a transparent and accountable governance framework that supports the organization’s strategic objectives.
Chair: Imad A. Mouchayleh
University of Wisconsin System
The mission of the Membership Committee is to provide the Association of College and University Auditors (ACUA) leadership and members with promotion of membership interests, assessment of membership satisfaction, and recruitment/retention of institutions and individuals.
Chair: Patrick McKinney
University of Texas – Austin
The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to conduct the nominations process for the annual election of officers and at-large board members as prescribed in the bylaws.
Chair: Marion Candrea
Boston University
The mission of the Professional Education Committee is to provide the Association of College and University Auditors (ACUA) leadership and members with professional education content in support of ACUA’s mission to develop and provide high quality, affordable professional development and training for auditors in higher education. educational Core Values of open sharing of knowledge, mutual trust and friendship, and commitment to excellence.
- Spring Conference Planning Subcommittee (Spring CPC) Subcommittee: The AI CPC selects all program content and executes all planning activities for Audit Interactive or Spring Conferences.
- Fall Conference Planning Subcommittee (Fall CPC): The AC CPC selects all program content and executes all planning activities for AuditCon or Fall Conferences.
- Virtual Learning Subcommittee (VLC): The VLC works with members and strategic partners to schedule, identify educational content, and deliver live, web-based seminars online (i.e., webinars) to ACUA members free of charge and non-members at a fee rate established by the Board.
Chair: Erica Smith
University of Tennessee
The mission of the Recognition Committee is to acknowledge the accomplishments of the Association of College and University Auditors (ACUA) members and provide them with recognition, thus fostering and contributing to the promotion and advancement of the internal auditing industry. The Recognition Committee also assists ACUA leadership and members with preserving, documenting, and communicating ACUA’s history.
- Member Awards Subcommittee: The purpose of the Member Awards Subcommittee is to select, on behalf of the ACUA Board, individuals who merit recognition in the following categories:
-Member Excellence in Service Award
-Outstanding Professional Contributions Award
-Rising Star Award - Volunteer Appreciation Subcommittee: The purpose of the Volunteer Appreciation Subcommittee is to recognize ACUA volunteers for their service.
- Historian Subcommittee: The purpose of the Historian Subcommittee is to:
-Educate the incoming board members regarding ACUA’s history.
-Educate the membership on ACUA’s history.
-Gather information by communicating and collaborating with past and present members.
-Maintain and update digital and physical historical records.
Chair: Monika Cami CIA, CPA, MBA
University of Michigan
The mission of the Best Practices Committee is to provide the Association of College and University Auditors (ACUA) leadership and members with tools, resources, educational presentations, journal articles, and other best practices materials to help higher education auditors perform their roles within their respective organizations. Key focus areas include artificial intelligence, athletics/NCAA compliance, auditing & accounting principles, and data analytics in higher education internal auditing. Other key areas, such as research, compliance, or healthcare, may be developed as considered necessary.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Subcommittee: is dedicated to sharing knowledge and developing tools and resources on 1) the use of generative AI in higher education internal auditing and 2) things to consider when auditing AI within colleges and universities. Resources will be developed for key areas, such as 1) how to use AI throughout the audit process and safeguards to consider and 2) things to consider when auditing AI in higher education, such as governance, strategy, and risk management frameworks. Due to the nature of AI, the committee’s purpose will evolve as AI technology and the committee progresses to address the use of AI in higher education internal auditing and auditing AI within colleges and universities.
- Athletics/NCAA Compliance Subcommittee: is dedicated to sharing knowledge and developing tools and resources on auditing athletics and NCAA compliance in higher education.
- Auditing & Accounting Principles Subcommittee: is dedicated to keeping the ACUA membership informed about changes to applicable auditing and accounting standards and developing tools and resources related to how those standards impact our members’ work within their respective organizations.
- Data Analytics Subcommittee: is dedicated to sharing knowledge and developing tools and resources for
Chair: Agnessa Vartanova
University of Colorado
The mission of the Tools & Resources Committee is to provide the Association of College and University Auditors (ACUA) leadership and members with access to tools, resources, and educational materials to help higher education auditors perform their roles within their respective organizations. The Committee publishes kick starters to help members plan and conduct audits on a higher education-specific topic area. The Committee maintains a resource library with documents to assist members in performing and managing audit functions and a risk dictionary of key risks and controls pertinent to higher education.
- Kick Starter Subcommittee: To publish kick starters to help higher education auditors plan and conduct audits on a higher education-specific topic area.
- Resource Library Subcommittee: To maintain a repository of documents to assist members in performing and managing audit functions.
- Risk Dictionary Subcommittee: To update and maintain a listing of key risks and controls pertinent to higher education.
Chair: John Winn
University of South Carolina