Letter from the President
Publication Date: August 12, 2022
Dear ACUA Colleagues,
I hope everyone is enjoying the summer season! Nothing like summer on a college campus. I remember an administrator once telling me, “We love our students, but we love when they take the summer off too.”
I wanted to mention a couple of things about the upcoming AuditCon in Las Vegas in September (in bulleted short form, because who has time for all the words):
- Once again, this year we will have the CAE track.
- Lots of hot topics will be covered, including: Title IX, Sports Betting, Cryptocurrency, IT, Research, Ethics, roundtables of all sorts, ADA, foreign gifts and contracts, back to basics (risk assessments, report writing, etc.), self-care, student mental health, and many others…wow!
- Amazing keynotes including, but not limited to, hearing from:
- Robert Chestnut of Airbnb on intentional integrity in organizations
- Tim Renick of Georgia State on predictive analytics for student success
- Caesar’s Palace – speaks for itself!
- In a hybrid format, there are tracks that will stream live to allow virtual attendance.
- And of course, what sets our organization apart from others is the professional networking opportunities with fellow ACUA colleagues at our conferences.
Odds are good you won’t want to miss this conference!
Finally, let me take a moment to introduce our new editors, Gavin Shubert of Georgetown University and Kara Hefner of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, as well as send a special thanks to Claire Thomas and James Merritt who have since left higher education auditing and passed the editors’ torch.
See you in Vegas!
Brian Daniels, University of Tennessee
ACUA President
About the Author
From This Issue
- The Significance of Cost Transfers
- Performing an Internal Self-Assessment of your Internal Audit Department
- Letter from the Editor
- Environmental Health and Safety in Higher Ed – How institutions can implement internal controls to protect their community
- Auditing Construction Costs
- A Growing Trend: ESG Reporting for Higher Education Institutions