Letter from the Editor
Publication Date: August 12, 2022
Hello ACUA members,
My name is Gavin Shubert, and I’m the new editor of the College and University Auditor Journal. I want to thank Claire Thomas, my predecessor, and James Merritt, the Journal’s former deputy editor, for their valued and worthwhile contributions to the Journal. Additionally, their assistance transitioning a new editor and deputy editor onto the team has proved invaluable. Thank you both.
In case we haven’t crossed paths yet, I’m an Internal Auditor at Georgetown University. Our new deputy editor, Kara Hefner, is a Senior Auditor at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She has graciously contributed her time and efforts as a writer for this edition of the Journal, in addition to her capacity as deputy editor.
Kara’s article provides a great professional resource for audit shops looking to perform thorough and standards-compliant internal assessments. In addition, Kyra Castano and Adrienne Larmett provide insights on instituting environmental health and safety controls. Then, Daniel Graves and Greg Englert give guidance on ESG and sustainability reporting and how you can better document these emerging and meaningful metrics. Next up, Curt Plyler, a Certified Construction Auditor, dives deep into how to audit construction costs. Finally, Erin Egan and Colleen Tedeschi share how to comply with sponsored awards, emphasizing the significance of cost transfers.
In this issue of the College and University Auditor, aptly named “ACUA: Live in Las Vegas,” you will find a wide variety of topics written by talented authors who strove to make their knowledge and expertise relatable and valuable for ACUA members in every institution. Please consider joining a growing field of professionals making their mark on the collective learning of our ACUA community by reaching out to me at editor@ACUA.org. Questions, ideas, and comments are always welcome.
Please also keep in mind that the Early Bird Deadline for discounted registration to AuditCon has been extended until August 19th. Now, without further ado, please sit back, relax, and enjoy this summer issue of the College and University Auditor Journal.
Gavin Shubert, Editor
About the Author
From This Issue
- The Significance of Cost Transfers
- Performing an Internal Self-Assessment of your Internal Audit Department
- Environmental Health and Safety in Higher Ed – How institutions can implement internal controls to protect their community
- Auditing Construction Costs
- A Growing Trend: ESG Reporting for Higher Education Institutions
- Letter from the President