Letter from the President
Publication Date: May 24, 2023
Dear ACUA Colleagues,
I hope everyone is enjoying the beginning of Summer!
It was my pleasure to update the membership at the Annual Business Meeting that occurred on May 23, 2023. If you were not able to join us, the presentation will be posted to ConnectACUA. I especially want to take a moment thank our Treasurer, Chris Walker, for his and the Finance and Investment Committee’s work over the past year.
For 2024, the Board engaged a Task Force led by Toni Stephens, to assist in identifying the best path for delivering exceptionally relevant content to our members considering the increased costs of hotels, food and beverage, and hybrid streaming technology post COVID. After thorough review and discussion of the task force recommendations as well as our financial projections, we are very excited to announce some changes to ACUA’s 2024 conference plans as follows:
- 2024 Audit Interactive will occur Virtually
- 2024 AuditCon will occur In-Person
After sending out requests for proposals to 9 different cities all over the United States, the Executive Committee reviewed the most economically feasible options for both the Members and the Organization. I’m excited to share that we are working through final negotiations with a hotel in Atlanta, Georgia for AuditCon 2024.
I look forward to seeing you all in Miami, Florida for AuditCon 2023 September 24-28, 2023 at the Loews Miami Beach Hotel.
Melissa Hall, Georgia Institute of Technology
ACUA President