Letter from the Editor

Publication Date: May 24, 2023

Hello ACUA Members!

As the flowers bloom and the Class of 2023 graduates, one can’t help but feel the positive change that is occurring all around us, including changes within the Journal and our profession.

I want to thank former Journal editor Gavin Shubert on his work with the ACUA Journal and wish him the best as he leaves higher education to pursue a career in consulting. As the former Deputy Editor, I have graduated to the role as your new Editor, and I’m looking forward to finding a new Deputy Editor and more article contributors. Feel free to reach out to me with questions, comments, or ideas for future articles at editor@ACUA.org

The Journal is making a positive change to share more information about ACUA committees and members to keep you informed and encourage participation. This issue we highlight the ACUA mentorship program, whose FY23 mentees are about to graduate from the program. We also feature member poll results on hot audit topics, remote working, data analytics software, and more in the Tools and Resources section.

Last March in Denver many members graduated from the new auditor track at Audit Interactive, and seasoned auditors expanded their knowledge. Perhaps there are some new mentors and mentees in that group.

Even the IIA Standards are graduating to the new Global Internal Audit Standards. A big thanks to the Auditing and Accounting Principles sub-committee for gathering member concerns for a formal ACUA response. Learn more about the proposed changes in this issue and submit your concerns to the IIA before May 30th. I completed their quick online form already.

As this fiscal year comes to an end, I wish you a happy graduation and a positive start to FY24.

Kara Hefner

About the Author

Kara Hefner

Kara L. Hefner, CPA, CIA, CFE is an Audit Manager at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she has worked for the past five years. She has 19 additional years of internal auditing experience in university health care, Fortune 500 public utilities, and student loan guarantors after beginning her career in public accounting. She is the current Editor of ACUA’s College and University Auditor Journal, a member of the ACUA Auditing & Accounting Principles (AAP) sub-committee, and is a frequent presenter at ACUA conferences.