We hope that you will get involved by becoming active in one (or more) of ACUA’s committees. Click on the links below to find out more about each committee and how to contact the chair(s).
The ACUA Ambassadors Committee is an ad hoc committee of the organization established by the Board in 2009, and is an integral part of ACUA’s Strategic Plan. The purpose of the Ambassadors Committee is to develop and foster mutually beneficial relationships with other professional organizations and to enhance relationships with current and potential ACUA members. Also, to provide advice and counsel to the current Board based upon the members’ historical knowledge.
The purpose of the Audit Committee is to evaluate internal controls of ACUA’s administrative and financial processes and ensure that ACUA’s financial statements are audited by an independent public accounting firm or subject to internal audits developed in consultation with the secretary/treasurer. This consultation shall not override the authority of the audit committee to conduct any review of the Association’s finances or operations at the committee’s discretion.
The purpose of the Communications Committee is to provide ACUA members with accurate and relevant information through various communication channels.
College & University Auditor Journal
The Journal Editor is responsible for compiling, editing, and publishing the College and University Auditor journal.
The purpose of the ACUA Community Director is to promote positive interactions in the ACUA Community, moderate posts, and ensure posts are in the appropriate category.
Social Media
The purpose of the Social Media Director is to oversee the strategic direction for Social Media content and the presence for ACUA on various channels including LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.
Web Services
The Web Services Director oversees website updates performed by the association administrators, ensuring that updates are made timely and makes recommendations for enhancements and additions to the site.
The purpose of this committee will be to ensure ACUA is welcoming to everyone, foster positive change in our community, and advance diversity and inclusion across the association.
The Membership Committee is a standing committee of the organization established by ACUA’s bylaws. The purpose of the Membership Committee is to promote membership interests and gauge membership satisfaction, as well as work to recruit and retain members of the organization.
Mentorship Program
The purpose of the Mentorship Program is to facilitate collaborative connections among ACUA members through mentorship.
The purpose of the Nominating Committee is to conduct the nominations process for the annual election of officers and at-large board members as prescribed in the bylaws.
The purpose of the partnerships committee is to provide coordination and oversight activities for external affairs and governmental affairs committees. The Committee shall be composed of the Chair, External Relations Sub-Committee Director, Governmental Affairs Sub-Committee Director, Immediate Past President and other volunteer members from the ACUA membership with adequate expertise and background. The Partnership Committee’s primary purpose is that of achieving the ACUA strategic plan’s partnership goal.
Audit Interactive
Audit Interactive, a Higher Education Collaborative Experience, is a 2.5 day conference that occurs in March or April each year. Audit Interactive provides attendees with the opportunity to take a deeper dive into current higher ed audit topics and leave with actionable takeaways that be applied immediately in their daily audit practice.
AuditCon, a Higher Education Summit, is a 3.5 day conference that occurs in September each year. AuditCon provides a full conference experience for attendees with a mix of overview and in-depth sessions, as well as several organized networking opportunities to engage and connect with colleagues.
Virtual Learning
ACUA’s Virtual Learning Committee is responsible for providing webinars that allow our members to remain up-to-date on current topics and earn CPEs from their office.
The objective of the Recognition Committee is to recognize member accomplishments and provide ACUA members with resources to promote the internal auditing industry.
The purpose of Member Awards is to select, on behalf of the ACUA Board, individuals who merit recognition in the following categories: Member Excellence in Service, Outstanding Professional Contribution, and Rising Star.
Volunteer Appreciation
The purpose of Volunteer Appreciation is to recognize ACUA volunteers for their service.
The purpose of the Standards and Best Practices Committee is to provide accounting and auditing resources for the ACUA community.
Auditing & Accounting Principles
The Auditing and Accounting Principles Committee (AAPC) is an ad hoc committee of the organization established by ACUA’s president with the concurrence of the Board.
The purpose of the AAPC is to keep the ACUA membership informed about changes to applicable accounting and auditing standards. The committee will represent ACUA and participate in organizations responsible for accounting and auditing standards applicable to the ACUA membership, including but not limited to, the NACUBO Accounting Principles Committee (NAPC), the International Institute of Internal Auditors, the Commission of Sponsoring Organizations and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Best Practices
The Best Practices committee provides members with benchmarking survey tools to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of their operations. In addition, the committee provides resources to assist ACUA members in complying with International Institute of Internal Auditor’s Quality Assurance Standards.
Data Analytics
Resource Library
Risk Dictionary
The purpose of the Risk Dictionary Committee is to update and market the ACUA Risk Dictionary.